Hi Stuart,

First, thanks for you detailed reply.

On 25/03/2023 00:16, Stuart Marks wrote:

Yes, this has come up before, but it's been mostly theoretical. That is, people worry about this when they hear of the idea of randomized iteration order, but I've never heard any followup. This is in fact the first time I've heard of an actual case where this is a real problem. So thanks for bringing it up.

Here is a link to the GH issue has some more details, and links to further issues and PR's.


(And unfortunately, it's notoriously difficult to make code truly iteration-order dependent. We've had our own history of problems with this in the JDK. I'd be interested in hearing from you at some point about the exact pathology of how this occurred.)

There's currently no debugging or experimental interface that will let one print or set the random seed that's in use. The obvious approach of using an agent to hack away at runtime doesn't work, because the unmodifiable collections implementations are used very early in startup and they're usually loaded before the agent runs. There are limitations on what an agent can do when redefining an already-loaded class, for example, removing the 'final' modifier from fields isn't supported. (Well I suppose one can always use Unsafe.)

Yes, unfortunately that is one of the options that we're considering :-(

Here's another approach that might work for you.

1. Write a little program that extracts the class bytes of ImmutableCollection.class from the runtime image, and use something like ASM or ClassFile to make the class public and to make the REVERSE and SALT32L fields public and non-final.

2. Launch a VM using the --patch-module option to use this class instead of the built-in one.

3. Write an agent, or some debugging library that's called at the right time, to use simple reflective access to get or set those fields as desired.

This is a bit fiddly but it might be easier than rebuilding and deploying a custom JDK.

Yes, certainly a bit fiddly, and maybe a little fragile - we currently support compiling on JDK 17, with a strong preference of running on the latest JDK ( currently JDK 20 ). It could be that we'd need to maintain a version of this for 17 through 20 ( and 21, as we test with EA builds of 21 ).

Setting (formerly) final fields after the VM is initialized is often somewhat risky. In this case these particular fields are used only during iteration, and they don't actually change the layout of any data structures. So setting them to some desired value should apply to all subsequent iterations, even of existing data structures.

I'll think about better ways to do this in the product. The best approach isn't obvious. The typical way of doing things like this using system properties is tricky, as it depends on order of class initialization at startup (and you know how fragile that is).

Yeah, the set of possible solutions is somewhat curtailed, but "the simpler the better"! ;-) Something like a system property would be "good enough", if the initialization order could be enforced.


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