On Tue, 27 Jun 2023 13:38:11 GMT, Chen Liang <li...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>>> It's a bit smelly to have a public static field of type array. Static 
>>> analysers are likely to flag this. It would be better to make the field 
>>> private and have a public static method that returns DIGITS.clone() - then 
>>> each class that needs it (and if I'm not mistaken there are only two) could 
>>> encapsulate its own private copy.
>> I don't think this is a problem. If users can access JDK internal packages, 
>> they can do many things. For example, through 
>> `JavaLangAccess::getEnumConstantsShared`, an array shared within JDK can be 
>> obtained.
>> Now that we trust the permission control of JPMS, such a requirement seems 
>> somewhat rigid.
> This array takes some time to prepare. We don't want each class to copy a 
> large array when we can just prepare it once and use it everywhere within the 
> JDK implementation. This array is, under no circumstances, leaked to users so 
> it's safe.

What I suggest is to prepare the array only once (in the static block as it is 
now), but have each class that use it encapsulate is own copy - obtained from 
clone(). Surely 256 shorts is not so large that we can't have two arrays?


PR Review Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/14578#discussion_r1243804755

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