On Fri, 10 May 2024 10:06:55 GMT, Alan Bateman <al...@openjdk.org> wrote:

> This is the implementation changes for JEP 471.
> The methods in sun.misc.Unsafe for on-heap and off-heap access are deprecated 
> for removal. This means a removal warning at compile time. No methods have 
> been removed. A deprecated message is added to each of the methods but 
> unlikely to be seen as the JDK does not generate or publish the API docs for 
> this class.
> A new command line option --sun-misc-unsafe-memory-access=$value is 
> introduced to allow or deny access to these methods. The default proposed for 
> JDK 23 is "allow" so no change in behavior compared to JDK 22 or previous 
> releases.
> A new test is added to test the command line option settings. The existing 
> micros for FFM that use Unsafe are updated to suppress the removal warning at 
> compile time. A new micro is introduced with a small sample of methods to 
> ensure the changes doesn't cause any perf regressions.
> For now, the changes include the update to the man page for the "java" 
> command. It might be that this has to be separated out so that it goes with 
> other updates in the release.

Would it make sense to add some verbiage in the JavaDocs for `sun.misc.Unsafe` 
that indicates the planned direction for said class and the use of the new 
command line options?


PR Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/19174#issuecomment-2106795327

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