On 29/05/2018 1:28 PM, Brian Willoughby wrote:>> On May 27, 2018, at 1:08 PM, Paul Davis <p...@linuxaudiosystems.com> wrote:
​on most modern architectures, it is less costly to do the math to generate a 
sine than it is to do memory-based lookup.​ wavetables for sine waves are a 
mid-90s idea.

Paul is right. Lookup tables add distortion, unless you have a table for every possible frequency and you don’t allow pitch bends.
> The various methods for changing the pitch of a lookup table waveform
> all add distortion of one kind or another.

Any finite computation of the sine function is going to have error. But you can easily drive the error below the LSB.

A table lookup oscillator will use interpolation. For a given error bound the trade-off is between table size and interpolation strength. Either you use a high-quality interpolator and a shorter table, or a low-quality interpolator (e.g. cubic hermite, or linear) and a larger table.

Even "doing the math" usually boils down to having a short lookup table (a few cache lines) and high-order interpolation for short segments of the sine period.

On 28/05/2018 6:08 AM, Paul Davis wrote:
> wavetables for sine waves are a mid-90s idea.

Pretty sure it dates back long before the 90s.

In contrast, a state variable filter with unity feedback can create a perfect 
sine wave that it ideal for the given sample rate and pitch, including 
frequencies with periods that are fractional sample lengths.

Just a note: SVF is not the only formulation of a feedback sine oscillator (a literature search brings up a bunch, including one from Max Matthews.) I like the "high-precision" method described here:


But frequency modulation is a hassle with any of these recursive methods, since you need to recompute the coefficients -- usually with an =accurate sin() calculation, which may defeat the purpose.

There is some old discussions of sine lookup tables and low-order polynomial approximations here:


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