On Sat, May 02, 2009 at 04:38:12PM -0700, ron minnich wrote:
> On Sat, May 2, 2009 at 2:58 PM, Ward Vandewege <w...@gnu.org> wrote:
> > On Sat, May 02, 2009 at 01:42:34PM -0700, ron minnich wrote:
> >> It does look like an SMP machine in which both CPUs are trying to run
> >> as the BSP.
> >>
> >> Possible?
> >
> > It's definitely an SMP machine, two dual-core CPUs.
> So can you see what changed in the k8 north/cpu support since the last
> time it worked?

Sure. The last time it worked is r4232, I had to bisect to find the commit
causing the problem. r4233/4234 are one changeset.

src/northbridge/amd is unchanged by this changeset.

The diff for src/cpu/amd is attached.


Ward Vandewege <w...@fsf.org>
Free Software Foundation - Senior Systems Administrator
Index: car/copy_and_run.c
--- car/copy_and_run.c	(revision 4232)
+++ car/copy_and_run.c	(revision 4234)
@@ -2,119 +2,36 @@
 	moved from nrv2v.c and some lines from crt0.S
    2006/05/02 - stepan: move nrv2b to an extra file.
-static inline void print_debug_cp_run(const char *strval, uint32_t val)
-        printk_debug("%s%08x\r\n", strval, val);
-        print_debug(strval); print_debug_hex32(val); print_debug("\r\n");
-#define ENDIAN   0
-#define BITSIZE 32
-#include "lib/nrv2b.c"
+void copy_and_run_core(u8 *src, u8 *dst, unsigned long ilen, unsigned ebp);
+extern u8 _liseg, _iseg, _eiseg;
 static void copy_and_run(void)
 	uint8_t *src, *dst; 
-        unsigned long ilen, olen;
+        unsigned long ilen;
+	src = &_liseg;
+	dst = &_iseg;
+	ilen = &_eiseg - dst;
-	print_debug("Copying coreboot to RAM.\r\n");
-	__asm__ volatile (
-		"leal _liseg, %0\n\t"
-		"leal _iseg, %1\n\t"
-		"leal _eiseg, %2\n\t"
-		"subl %1, %2\n\t"
-		: "=a" (src), "=b" (dst), "=c" (olen)
-	);
-	memcpy(dst, src, olen);
-	print_debug("Uncompressing coreboot to RAM.\r\n");
-        __asm__ volatile (
-	        "leal _liseg, %0\n\t"
-	        "leal _iseg,  %1\n\t"
-                : "=a" (src) , "=b" (dst)
-        );
-	print_debug_cp_run("src=",(uint32_t)src); 
-	print_debug_cp_run("dst=",(uint32_t)dst);
-//	dump_mem(src, src+0x100);
-	olen = unrv2b(src, dst, &ilen);
-	print_debug_cp_run("coreboot_ram.nrv2b length = ", ilen);
-//	dump_mem(dst, dst+0x100);
-	print_debug_cp_run("coreboot_ram.bin   length = ", olen);
-	print_debug("Jumping to coreboot.\r\n");
-        __asm__ volatile (
-                "xorl %ebp, %ebp\n\t" /* cpu_reset for hardwaremain dummy */
-		"cli\n\t"
-		"leal    _iseg, %edi\n\t"
-		"jmp     *%edi\n\t"
-	);
+	copy_and_run_core(src, dst, ilen, 0);
+extern u8 _liseg_apc, _iseg_apc, _eiseg_apc;
 static void copy_and_run_ap_code_in_car(unsigned ret_addr)
         uint8_t *src, *dst;
-        unsigned long ilen, olen;
+        unsigned long ilen;
-//        print_debug("Copying coreboot AP code to CAR.\r\n");
+	src = &_liseg_apc;
+	dst = &_iseg_apc;
+	ilen = &_eiseg_apc - dst;
-        __asm__ volatile (
-                "leal _liseg_apc, %0\n\t"
-                "leal _iseg_apc, %1\n\t"
-                "leal _eiseg_apc, %2\n\t"
-                "subl %1, %2\n\t"
-                : "=a" (src), "=b" (dst), "=c" (olen)
-        );
-        memcpy(dst, src, olen);
-        __asm__ volatile (
-                "leal _liseg_apc, %0\n\t"
-                "leal _iseg_apc,  %1\n\t"
-                : "=a" (src) , "=b" (dst)
-        );
-//        print_debug_cp_run("src=",(uint32_t)src);
-//        print_debug_cp_run("dst=",(uint32_t)dst);
-//      dump_mem(src, src+0x100);
-        olen = unrv2b(src, dst, &ilen);
-//        print_debug_cp_run("coreboot_apc.nrv2b length = ", ilen);
-//      dump_mem(dst, dst+0x100);
-//        print_debug_cp_run("coreboot_apc.bin   length = ", olen);
-//        print_debug("Jumping to coreboot AP code in CAR.\r\n");
-        __asm__ volatile (
-                "movl %0, %%ebp\n\t" /* cpu_reset for hardwaremain dummy */
-                "cli\n\t"
-                "leal    _iseg_apc, %%edi\n\t"
-                "jmp     *%%edi\n\t"
-		:: "a"(ret_addr)
-        );
+	copy_and_run_core(src, dst, ilen, ret_addr);
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