
andor reported a problem where flashrom does reproducibly not work with
coreboot but does with the vendor BIOS

Apparently it is related to fast reads and/or the frequency.
We have forced the fastReadEnable bit in the SPI_Cntrl0 from 1 to 0 and
also set NormSpeed in SPI_Cntrl1 to 16.5 Mhz (previously was 0 i.e. 66
MHz) in flashrom and the problem vanished.

Coreboot hard codes the fast read setting in

static void enable_spi_fast_mode(void)
        u8 byte;
        u32 dword;
        device_t dev = PCI_DEV(0, 0x14, 0x03);

        // set temp MMIO base
        volatile u32 *spi_base = (void *)0xa0000000;
        u32 save = pci_io_read_config32(dev, 0xa0);
        pci_io_write_config32(dev, 0xa0, (u32) spi_base | 2);

        // early enable of SPI 33 MHz fast mode read
        byte = spi_base[3];
        spi_base[3] = (byte & ~(3 << 14)) | (1 << 14);
        spi_base[0] = spi_base[0] | (1 << 18);  // fast read enable

        pci_io_write_config32(dev, 0xa0, save);

Marc suggested that this should be configurable in the devicetree or by
a kconfig setting. Also, the statements using "byte" do not make a lot
of sense to me. Shouldn't that be a u32 instead?

The public documentation of the fastReadEnable is lacking any detail
and I don't have access to the NDAed version of the RRG. Is my theory
correct that the controller uses the 0x0B opcode with a fixed frequency
(33 MHz?) instead of 0x03 with the frequency set by NormSpeed?

Kind regards/Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Stefan Tauner

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