Dear Ian,

Am Samstag, den 09.09.2017, 16:31 -0700 schrieb Ian Kelling:


> 2. built from git master (588ccaa9),

That commit is from April, isn’t it. So it’s pretty outdated.

> crossgcc without -b this time as the build didn't complain about it.
> SeaBIOS doesn't detect my hard drive. I have an older coreboot
> SeaBIOS build that does, so it's probably a software issue.

I am not aware of any SeaBIOS regressions in this area. But as you
didn’t send any logs, which is one of the beauties of using coreboot
and SeaBIOS, and don’t even mention the used revisions, it’s hard to
help you. Please use the serial console to capture the messages as
SeaBIOS, to my knowledge, doesn’t support sending messages over EHCI



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