On 25.04.2018 00:18, taii...@gmx.com wrote:
> On 04/17/2018 03:30 AM, Rudolf Marek wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I found new microcode here [1], I used 
>> cpu00610F01_ver0600111F_2018-03-05_AC55EB96.bin as a microcode for my 
>> Trinity family15h CPU.
>> I hacked together a new microcode header which contains the equivalence 
>> table etc to be able to load this microcode into the CPU from Linux.
>> dd if=/lib/firmware/amd-ucode/microcode_amd_fam15h.bin bs=1 count=84 
>> of=header.bin
>> cat header.bin cpu00610F01_ver0600111F_2018-03-05_AC55EB96.bin > 
>> microcode_amd_fam15h.bin
>> copy the file to same location and trigger update:
>> echo 1 >  /sys/devices/system/cpu/microcode/reload
>> [ 6032.948243] microcode: CPU0: new patch_level=0x0600111f
>> [ 6032.964913] microcode: CPU2: new patch_level=0x0600111f
>> Please note that the header.bin does contain a size of the microcode blob, 
>> but it happens to be the same, so it works. Normally the container
>> may contain more microcode blobs. But in my case I use just "right" one for 
>> my CPU.
>> The new microcode seems to be adding the IBPB feature.
>> Thanks
>> Rudolf
>> [1] https://github.com/platomav/CPUMicrocodes
> This didn't work on my piledriver CPU's :[
> When I try to "reload" nothing happens not even an error in dmesg....the
> reload command has never worked for me no matter what system I use intel
> or amd.
> Thanks for helping.
> I can't believe everyone else is so nonchalant about all this
> considering how important it is I still haven't figured out how to
> update the microcode on any of my computers - no guides I have found
> actually work and no distros have the new microcode for intel or amd
> despite it having been months.

I can't believe everybody is so nonchalant about Rowhammer but many
people make a big thing out of the comparatively tiny Spectre problem.

> For the best security one should have both the new microcode and the
> lfence msr?

Not for the best but for any security, you have to understand first that
both options only change something if your software is prepared to uti-
lize them. First update your software, then check what it needs / what
the developers expect (the new microcode I'd guess).


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