Dear Kinky,

On 7/30/19 11:18 AM, Kinky Nekoboi wrote:
> loading the microcode via Linux Kernel works.
> including it via coreboot causes General Protection Faults.
> See included bootlog.

We hit the same issue on our board, and reported it to the Linux kernel
developers [1].

Unfortunately, we didn’t have more resources to pursue this further.

1.  What is your configuration? How many processors, how much RAM?

2.  So, loading it from GNU/Linux (initramfs) as Tom asked, seems to
    work. I guess it’s the same with the vendor firmware?

3.  As Tom tested it on a similar custom AMD board (with supposedly
    microcode updates updated in the *vendor firmware*, and it worked
    for him, there might be something wrong with how microcode updates
    are applied in coreboot.

4.  The user *sfs* in did not have the
    problems if I remember correctly.

Anyway, somebody with time and motivation would need to debug this. But
it’d be great if you could check a few things and maybe chime in the
LKML discussion.

Kind regards,


     "General protection fault in `switch_mm_irqs_off()`"

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