On 3/3/20 4:33 PM, Michal Zygowski wrote:
> Dear coreboot community,

Hi Michal,


> The first two patches are solid and all issues documented. All of them
> will receive an entry in MAINTAINERS file. I would very appreciate a
> little bit of your attention on them and possibly reviews.
> I especially need the Kaby Lake board, because 3mdeb will soon begin
> upstreaming changes to support Boot Guard and Protectli FW6 is our
> reference platform. I don't want the mainboard patches to be a burden or
> blocking any related efforts. So I kindly ask for a tiny bit of your
> time to have a look at these patches. Let's improve coreboot together
> and make it a competitive (and even better) replacement of proprietary
> BIOS solutions.

Thank you for this email.

As the owner of 3mdeb, I would like to add $0.02. We are a small
organization, but we have no problem to use part of our profit, for
engineers to review code and support other community members (also those
commercial ones). New customers often ask about our effectiveness in
community, the number of maintained boards and the amount of code we
have contributed. If the community keeps our reviews not merged, we
cannot use that as proof of our engagement and quality. We always try to
convince customers to support the upstreaming process and secure budget
for that, but in light of no interest in merging code, customers would
rather avoid that cost and keep forks on their repositories. This
doesn't contribute to project health.

Some of our patches got no attention for over 1.5 years.

As coreboot leader, Michal can give +2, but we were hesitant to be the
judge in our case and use that to merge our code.
What we are asking is a decision about those patches - if anything is
wrong we will fix that.

We believe this is a little bit bigger problem that should be addressed
by coreboot leaders since it reflects the healthiness of the community
and agenda of participating entities.

Best Regards,
Piotr Król
Embedded Systems Consultant
https://3mdeb.com | @3mdeb_com
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