As etcd and it's sub-projects move to the new etcd-io org, etcd-operator 
will stay with the coreos org. etcd-operator has stalled in development and 
I am asking the community if there is interest in forking this project to 
etcd-io org. In order for the fork to be a success, we need community 
members who are willing to support and maintain the project moving forward.

The reason I bring this up is that I see folks still interested in the 
project and I feel by forking to etcd-io we can reduce some of the hurdles 
required for contributing. Hopefully, this can breath new life into this 
project and continue its development.

If you use etcd-operator and are interested in contributing to a fork 
please speak up so that we can get a sense of how many are willing to take 
part. The final decision is not mine to make in this matter and I am only 
speaking on my own behalf. But with enough support, I am confident we can 
make this a success.

Thank you for your time.

ref: coreos/etcd-operator#1985 
<> coreos/etcd#9965 

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