We cordially invite submissions of shared tasks as part of ArgMining 2024, the “11th Workshop on Argument Mining”. The workshop will be co-located with ACL 2024 (to be held in Bangkok, Thailand).

Argument mining (also known as “argumentation mining”) is a gradually maturing research area within computational linguistics. It involves the automatic identification of argumentative structures in free text, as well as argument quality assessment, argument persuasiveness, and the synthesis of argumentative texts.

To advance research on specific aspects of argument mining, previous editions of the ArgMining workshop series have promoted shared tasks, including key point analysis for quantitative summarization of arguments (see, the validity and novelty of arguments (see, multimodal argument mining and pragmatic tagging of peer reviews (see

Following the success of previous workshops, ArgMining 2024 plans to share one or more unsolved problems to be investigated by the community.

Proposals for shared tasks should include:

* a title and a brief description of the task
* a description of the datasets that will be used in the task and their readiness, and a proposed plan for data collection and annotation
* previous work on the datasets, including publications (if any)
* a few lines regarding evaluation of the submitted systems
* a brief introduction of the task organizers

Shared task organizers will have the opportunity to publish a task overview paper in the workshop proceedings.

Please submit your shared task proposal via email to [at] The submission deadline is January 5, 2024, and task organizers will be notified of proposal acceptance on January 19, 2024.

While exact dates are not yet available, we assume the following tentative schedule:

* End of February - Training data release
* Mid of April - Test data release, evaluation start
* End of April - Evaluation end
* Mid of May - Results announcement
* End of May - Paper submission due
* End of June - Camera-ready version due
* Mid of August - ArgMining 2024 workshop (ACL)

The timeline will be finalized with the shared task organizers.

Yamen Ajjour, Leibniz University Hannover
Roy Bar-Haim, IBM Research
Roxanne El Baff, German Aerospace Center (DLR) and Bauhaus-Universität
Zhexiong Liu, University of Pittsburgh
Gabriella Skitalinskaya, Leibniz University Hannover

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