Boian Mihailov <> writes:

> No matter what I try, cosign auth always is required. Here is my config. 

> <Location />
> CosignProtected On
> Allow from
> Satisfy any
> </Location>

Are you by any chance using Apache 2.4?  Apache 2.4 deprecates the "allow
from" syntax in favor of the new stackable authorization schemes and,
depending on your base Apache configuration, "allow from" may no longer do

If you're running Apache 2.4, make sure that mod_authz_host is enabled and
see if:

    Require ip

instead of "allow from" and "satisfy any".

For more information, see:

(Note that I only know about this because I ran into a similar problem
with WebAuth, and I'm not as familiar with Cosign and don't know for
certain how the new 2.4 authorization support interacts with
CosignProtected.  So I may be barking up entirely the wrong tree.)

Russ Allbery (             <>

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