> > 1) Is there any way to bypass the logout verification screen? I really
> don't need verification when I redirect
> > the user from a service logout script to central logout.
> Not at the moment, no. Please file a feature request on the cosign tracker:
>         http://p.sf.net/cosign/tracker

Thank you. I implemented it by myself. I will send a patch when it's ready.

> > 2) I haven't already tried (because my setup is not ready) but is it
> possible to authenticate against kerberos
> > using email-addresses? I don't need the friend feature. But I expect the
> friend factor to steal the credentials
> > if login is an email-address.
> Yes. Use the "passwd" keyword in your cosign.conf:
>         passwd kerberos (.+)@.+   $1   MY.KRB5.REALM
>         passwd kerberos  ([^@]+)   $1   MY.KRB5.REALM
> The top pattern should cause the cgi to extract krb5 principal names from
> e-mail addresses; the second pattern is the standard kerberos principal
> matching rule used by the cgi.

OK, this is cool, will use that, thanks.


> 3) Is there a possibility to make the google-auth factor required for all
> services and not just the ones which
> > define it inside the filter.
> Not yet. Cosign's current multifactor implementation is service-driven:
> the protected service determines how much authentication is required before
> granting access. There's work underway to add hooks to the cgi requiring
> multifactor authN depending on which user is authenticating.

Yeah, this would be cool. Luckily the cosign code is more or less
understandable so I can hack such features by myself until they made it
into master.

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