On April 16, 2013 6:41 , George Francis <gfranc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I presume it worked up until the SMTP protocol started.
> It confirms that the certificate I got was self-signed, but then seems 
> to proceed without issue, so
> unfortunately I'm still no wiser as to why my client gets 
> "SSLHandshakeException: Received fatal alert: unknown_ca"

No, cosign will not work unless all certificates in the certificate 
chain for the central weblogin server can be verified.

Download the intermediate and root certificates used to sign the central 
weblogin server certificate.  Put these in a directory and hash them, 
using c_rehash, cacertdir_rehash, or "for i in * ; do ln -s $i `openssl 
x509 -hash -noout -in $i`.0 ; done".  Then try "openssl s_client" again, 
giving a "-CApath" argument pointing at the directory where you have the 
certificates installed.  If openssl gives any warnings about the 
certificates, you still have a problem.

Once you have things working with "openssl s_client", import the root 
and intermediate CA certs into your Java keystore

Everything above also applies to the root and intermediate CA 
certificates used to sign the cert that your local cosign module uses to 
prove its identity to the central weblogin server; with the additional 
caveat that the CA used to sign your local cert must be a CA that is 
trusted by the administrators of the central weblogin server -- contact 
them, and they can give you a list of the CAs they have chosen to trust 
for this purpose.

   Mark Montague

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