On 10 Apr 2014, at 10:38, John Breen <jbr...@isc.upenn.edu> wrote:
> So a quick clarification here...
> Are we saying that a cosign service credential can not be leaked via 
> heartbleed to a 3rd party even if the cosign client service is 
> vulnerable? That the cosign client service credential could only be 
> obtained by using the cosignd server as an attack vector?
> Why is the cosign client credential different than say an SSL 
> certificate as far as it potentially being in memory that might be leaked?

It's not at all!  Since the server is (hopefully) running HTTPS, that would be 
the vector.  mod_cosign would be a vector as well, but only really exposed to 
the connected cosignd.  To clarify: rekeying would be wise.

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