Hi folks,

On a few of our servers here at Brandeis, we have mod_cosign
configured with multiple CosignService directives.  We've got things
set up with a separate config file for each service, located in the
conf.d directory under stock RHEL 6 Apache, which just has

Include conf.d/*.conf

in its main httpd.conf file.  This means we've got the equivalent
top-level config of something like

CosignService  cerealbox
CosignService  milkjug
CosignService  applesauce

running in Apache.

Now let's say a user goes out to


where we have the URL configured in Apache with:

Alias /cerealbox/ "/var/cosign/scripts/cerealbox/"

<Directory "/var/cosign/scripts/cerealbox/">
    DirectoryIndex index.py
    CosignProtected On
    Options ExecCGI
    AddHandler          cgi-script      .py

The intent is obviously to use the "cerealbox" service, but
"CosignService cerealbox" isn't inside the <Directory> block.  This
being the case, how does mod_cosign know which HTTP parameters to
append when redirecting to the CGI script on the cosignd server?

John Miller
Systems Engineer
Brandeis University

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