We're using cosign 3.1.1 and installed the filter on an IIS server (version 
10). Cosign places authenticated user information in 
Request.ServerVariables["REMOTE_USER"] and everything works fine. The problem 
I'm having is in implementing some anti-CSRF code (out of the box asp.net mvc 
AntiForgery libraries). When my post submits the token for validation, the 
AntiForgery code rejects it with this error:

The provided anti-forgery token was meant for user "xxx", but the current user 
is "".

I believe I need to somehow get the username into the token but I'm not sure 
how to do that. The IIS server is configured to use Anonymous Authentication, 
and that seems to be a requirement since any other choice (ASP.NET 
impersonation, Forms or Windows Authentication) all require a separate login 
against a non-existent provider (since cosign IS the provider).

Does anyone have any suggestion for how to work around this problem?

Thanks in advance.

Edward (Ned) Balzer
814-863-5950 | em...@psu.edu<mailto:em...@psu.edu>

Penn State University | Greenleaf Park One
2013 Sandy Drive, Suite 201
State College, PA 16803
814-865-3412 | lahelpd...@psu.edu<mailto:lahelpd...@psu.edu> | 

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