working on project that use cosign, I've noticed that cookie time is in 
milliseconds if created by java filter, while is in seconds if created by 

Here is an example generated by java filter:


and this is from mod_cosign.so:


If mod_cosign.so manages a cookie created by the java application it has 
unpredictable behavior due to this line:

cookietime = atoi( misc );

where cookietime is an int.

At the moment to work around  this problem I have defined two distinct services.

I've also tested this change to cosign_auth function in 

  /* if it's a stale cookie, give out a new one */
    gettimeofday( &now, NULL );
    (void)strtok( my_cookie, "/" );
    if (( misc = strtok( NULL, "/" )) != NULL ) {
        dim = strlen(misc);
        if (dim > 10) misc[10] = '\0';
        cookietime = atoi( misc );
    if (( cookietime > 0 ) && ( now.tv_sec - cookietime ) > cfg->expiretime ) {
        goto redirect;

With this I can share cookie created by java application in virtualhost 
protected by mod_cosign.so.

I haven't tested if the java filter fails by receiving a cookie created by 

I would like to know if it is a choice not to be able to have services 
implemented with different technologies and which share the cookie.
Thanks in advance

Letizia Angela Siri
Software Engineer
Open Network & Platform
Italtel S.p.A.
Via Reiss Romoli
20019 Settimo Milanese -  MI - Italy
email: letiziaangela.s...@italtel.com<mailto:letiziaangela.s...@italtel.com>
P: +39 0243881 - +39 0243887195
  [cid:image006.jpg@01D76D10.FB2CCAC0] <https://www.instagram.com/italtel_hq/>  

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