Our Lynns/Linn have Patrick, Peter and John as names in family. They originated in Shanmaghery which is in the Parish of Pomeroy. I have found my GGGrandfathrr Patrick in Dumbarton 1851 Census.

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-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: [CoTyroneMailingList] Murder of John Hazleton by Michael Linn at Cavanakeeran, Pomeroy Parish, Co. Tyrone, November 1847
From: Ron McCoy via CoTyroneList
To: cotyronelist@cotyroneireland.com
CC: Ron McCoy

Hi Len

Thank you for this article. I am not related to the Linn family that I know of but find the story very interesting. There is so many unanswered questions here. What were the charges being executed by the Bailiff? Was the weapon a real bayonet? Was he a soldier? This story mirrors very closely one which occurred in the Richmond Ontario Canada area of a wounded soldier confronting the bailiff with a bayonet in 1820's I am interested in any information from Cavanakeeran as I believe my family and others in our area immigrated from this area. Thank you for the information on Cavanakeeran , Pomery annd Dungannon it is very helpful and interesting reading.


Ron McCoy

On 2018-08-01 1:57 AM, Len Swindley via CoTyroneList wrote:

Hello Listers,


Am hoping a subscriber (or three) will find this extract from the Weekly Vindicator (Belfast) November 27, 1847 of a little interest. This short item also includes the names of the siblings of MICHAEL LINN (treasure!)


MURDER. – We are sorry to have to announce that the north has been disgraced by another murder, which occurred on Tuesday last, at Cavanakeeran, in the barony of Dungannon, and parish of Pomeroy. On that day, JOHN HAZLETON, a bailiff, proceeded to execute a quarter sessions decree against a family of the of LINN, when he was stabbed by MICHAEL LINN, with a bayonet, in the side, which caused his death in a few hours. A coroner’s inquest has been held upon the body, and a verdict of wilful murder returned against MICHAEL LINN. Five brothers were concerned in the murder. FELIX and JOHN have been taken into custody, but the murderer, with PATRICK and PETER, have escaped. Mr. COULSON, R.M., of Omagh, has offered a reward of £30 for the apprehension of the parties


Regards and much luck with your research,


Len Swindley, Melbourne, Australia


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