Thanks, Lyn, Worth following up Carleton's book. Fast and cheap travel, radio/TV and internet have tended to ''smooth out' variations in English and we seem to have lost much of the sayings of old. In Australia, the Cockney emigrants brought their own 'language' which persists to a minor degree still in Oz. One that has a local origin, with Cockney overtones, is the expression, when all hope is lost: "You've got Buckley's" a contraction of "You've got Buckley's or none", derived from the famous, but now defunct, Melbourne (Swanson Street) department store: Buckleys and Nunn. Rhyming slang was once quite common (in my lifetime) but now rarely used. Other terms rarely heard include: bonza, shiela, bloke, lorry, strewth, ...

As for the Ulster folk, I think many expressions may have originated in Scotland and more specifically Glasgow, which at one time had more ex-Irish than Scots living in Glasgow's Clydeside: Goven and Partick. There was much movement of peoples in the late 19th and early 20thC between Belfast and Glasgow - following work in ship-building. Often a rough lot, they would bring their sayings with them.


On 15/01/2019 8:28 am, EVELYN CARDWELL via CoTyroneList wrote:
William Carleton was a local Tyrone writer whose work dates from the early to mid 19th century.  When I read his book "Traits and Stories of the Irish Peasantry"  I found  phrases I hadn't heard from childhood.  It was reprinted about 20-30 years ago in softback, so hopefully you may be able to track down a copy somewhere.  He wrote other  books as well, but these stories are relatively short and easily read.  There is also a Carleton Society in Tyrone, who are interested in all things connected with Carleton and run a very successful summer school each year.


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    On Mon, 14 Jan 2019 at 19:46, Beverley Ballantine via CoTyroneList
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Nereda & Gordon Wilkinson, Hyde Park, South Australia.
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