Domingo Antonio writes:

Let me try again :)

        I have 2 problems in courier-imap 4.1.0 on FC4.
        My courier-imap works fine, but

        1. When I give service courier-imap restart|start|stop nothing is
logged on syslog. IMAPD and POP3D comes up but now messages is logged in

Why do you believe that something must be logged to syslog?

        2. I give this commands:
                maildirmake -S Maildir-shared
                maildirmake -s write -f test Maildir-shared
                chgrp -R mailusers Maildir-shared/.test
                chmod -R 2777 Maildir-shared

                my usr/lib/courier-imap/etc/maildirshared file:
                test    /home/mailusers/Maildir-shared/.test

        So, when i give maildirmake --add command in my user mailbox, a file
called shared-folders is created, but in Outlook express i cant see this
folder... My folder prefix is INBOX.

        Can someone help me?

See README.sharedfolders. There are two different kinds of shared folders that can be set up, and you are mixing up both of them together, resulting in an undecipherable mishmash.

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