On Thu, 18 Jul 2002, Bill Michell wrote:

>  OK. But when I do this, Outlook makes a bit of a mess of the message.

There's a fix for that too! Go to http://jump.to/oblivion (no, not being
rude here ;-)) and download the OE QuoteFix plug in. Works a treat.

>  Next problem; the spec file appears to require RPM version 4.0.2 or greater,
>  while SuSE are still on 3.0.6-96, which doesn't seem to support
>  Requires(post) - which is what the real problem with the /sbin/chkconfig
>  line appears to have been...

Can't help you with that though. No idea why SuSE ships such an old
version of RPM.

>  Rather than mess up the distro completely, I think I'll revert to manual
>  compilation, which I know works (as I have done it before).
>  Yes, I could "upgrade" to RedHat, but I happen to like SuSE for pretty much
>  everything else!

Despite all the headaches it gives you? ;-)

Juha Saarinen

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