Thomas von Hassel wrote:
> On 28/1-2004, at 0.24, Sam Varshavchik wrote:
>> Thomas von Hassel writes:
>>> Ok, we have this setup now
>>> Internet ---> Filtering server (Running
>>> postfix/spamassasin/uvscan/anomy) ---> Courier mailserver
>>> Is there a way to setup the courier server so it only accepts mail
>>> coming from the filtering server, also this must be done on a domain
>>> level, not all domains have their mail filtered.
>> You can control where mail goes for a given domain by setting up your
>> DNS MX records correctly.
> i know that ... the problem is that for instance the Mydoom worm sends
> itself directly to bypassing the normal MX and
> therefor bypassing my flitering system ..
> /thomas
take a look at specifically the
part labeled ACCESS FILE
you can put these changes into smtpaccess which gets rebuilt with

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