On Wed, Sep 4, 2013 at 4:01 PM, Matus UHLAR - fantomas <uh...@fantomas.sk>wrote:

> I still see no sane reason for removing SPF record from DNS.
Adding support for a new, optional record type is always a hassle.
Supporting the TXT record that SPF was designed for in the first place is
easy, no changes are needed.

Also, the rationale for having a SPF record type was very weak in itself.
When it was proposed, I had the same thoughts about adding it as you have
about removing it: there was no sane reason for it. Even worse, there was
no sane reason for adding and using SPF, it would only add hassle, and not
do what the proponents claimed it would to – which turned out to be right;
e-mail and DNS admins everywhere have to contend with SPF-based

So, IMNSHO, SPF should die. Completely.
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