PICCORO McKAY Lenz writes:

not much from that i said: here:

Mar 10 07:35:40 vnxpos00 courierd: started,id=00094183.56E08E51.0000488D,from=<lenz_gerardo@intranet1. <URL:http://net.ve>net.ve>,module=esmtp,host=<URL:http://eldominio.net.ve>eld ominio.net.ve,addr=<<URL:mailto:salazar_leona...@eldominio.net.ve>salazar_leo na...@eldominio.net.ve> Mar 10 07:35:40 vnxpos00 courierd: started,id=00094183.56E08E51.0000488D,from=<lenz_gerardo@intranet1. <URL:http://net.ve>net.ve>,module=esmtp,host=<URL:http://eldominio.net.ve>eld ominio.net.ve,addr=<<URL:mailto:systemas...@eldominio.net.ve>systemasvnz@eldo minio.net.ve> Mar 10 07:35:40 vnxpos00 courierd: Waiting.  shutdown time=none, wakeup time=Thu Mar 10 07:35:58 2016,
 queuedelivering=28, inprogress=1
Mar 10 07:35:40 vnxpos00 courieresmtp: id=00094183.56E08E51.0000488D,from=<<URL:mailto:lenz_gera...@intranet1.net>le nz_gera...@intranet1.net. ve>,addr=<<URL:mailto:salazar_leona...@eldominio.net.ve>salazar_leonardo@eldo minio.net.ve>: 400 STARTTLS is required first.

There's no such domain "eldominio.net.ve" on the Internet.

If this is a made-up domain name, it won't be possible to help you. The error message is coming from the other mail server, and without the ability to test its capabilities, no further information can be given.

There is a negligible chance that you built Courier completely without TLS support. Early versions of Courier could be optionally compiled without any SSL/TLS support, when the required OpenSSL libraries weren't installed. Modern Linux distributions all install either OpenSSL or GnuTLS by default, so this is unlikely. Support for TLS-less Courier has not been removed, it should be still possible to do that, but you'll have to go out of your way to build Courier like that. Check that the "couriertls" binary is installed. If not, install either a complete OpenSSL or GnuTLS, and rebuild Courier. If it is, this must be a problm with the "eldominio.net.ve" mail server, whatever that domain really is.

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