we have 450 users in main server concurrently, in a bad day, for a hardware
with 4G ram newer distributions are very slower... we tested during one
year many combinations of configurations and those debian version mentioned
work better, and wheeze work but more slowly, (security paches are tracked
by us)
total users are around 6000, in two nodes, two instances, we dont buy newer
hardware (at least in 8 years), in fact we have 7 machines and using 3 of
that 7, if any machine break, susituied to other and easy, working again,
no huge ram load, many services runnign (made in gambas)
the other 11 servers are DEll poweregde T110 with 4G ram for individual
instances o terminal services, in a wan netwrok service around all the
country, here in latinoamerica, we need to spare resources of bandwicht and
memory.. here all services and hardware are expensive..
Lenz McKAY Gerardo (PICCORO)
2016-03-17 16:43 GMT-04:30 Matus UHLAR - fantomas <uh...@fantomas.sk>:
> On 17.03.16 16:07, PICCORO McKAY Lenz wrote:
> >i researching, whell i used the 0.62 version, seems here startls are not
> >the default
> >
> >i hear version are now in 0.75
> that's a bit old, which os/distribution do you use?
> --
> Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uh...@fantomas.sk ; http://www.fantomas.sk/
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> I intend to live forever - so far so good.
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