I'm in an especially awkward situation when it comes to local or regional 
collaborations. There are now 4-ish shared spaces in Fort Collins. One of 
the spaces is owned by our former landlord operating out of Cohere's former 
space. He and I parted on TERRIBLE terms. I wouldn't be able to sit in the 
same room with him let alone collaborate on a project. I desperately want 
to "get over it" and just take the high road and move forward with unifying 
the spaces around a cause but I. JUST. CAN'T. Anyone have any therapy to 
offer me?


On Monday, June 30, 2014 3:42:38 PM UTC-6, Tony Bacigalupo wrote:
> Hi coworkers!
> I was thinking recently about an issue I've noticed locally and in other 
> regions, where friendly neighboring coworking spaces sometimes struggle to 
> develop good ways to collaborate. I believe the issue stems from a lack of 
> a well-articulated higher purpose that people from multiple spaces could 
> rally behind.
> I think about this phenomenon also in the context of how we communicate 
> with prospective members. The majority of people who express interest in 
> New Work City are, at first, looking for workspace, and think we're in the 
> business of renting workspace. While we can use that as a starting point 
> for educating prospective members about the deeper values behind and 
> benefits of coworking, I'm thinking about how we can do a better job of 
> connecting with prospective members in a way that's about something more 
> meaningful.
> Have any of you experienced something similar? Have you witnessed or 
> participated in the development of an ambition in your space or region that 
> gives coworking space managers something higher to shoot for than simply 
> getting enough members to pay the bills?
> Cheers,
> Tony
> --- 
> Blog <http://happymonster.co> // New Work City <http://nwc.co> // Coworking 
> Community NYC Meetup <http://meetup.com/coworking-nyc>

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