I looked at "perldoc CPAN" and other info, but I can't seem to
cleanly install CPAN packages offline.

I want to run CPAN normally to install a lot of Perl packages on
one machine (CentOS 5.6 x64 distro just installed, has Perl
5.8.8), capture everything needed to an archive, then take that
archive to another identical fresh machine and install all the
Perl packages WITHOUT any network access.

I fooled with archiving/restoring /root/.cpan/sources, and also
with a bundle, with both methods cpan gave a lot of complaints
about lack of network access, and failed one way ("Can't call
method "color_cmd_tmps" on an undefined value at
/usr/lib/perl5/5.8.8/CPAN.pm line 3784.") or another (said
required package install-0.01 not present - how can this be when
original online install finished successfully?)

What's the best way to do this - whether with just CPAN, and/or
other methods?

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