David Golden wrote:

Hi.  In chasing a bug flushed out on my smoker, Peter Flanigan
temporarily added an "exit 0" to Makefile.PL if @INC matched my
particular unique path to perl.
That's obviously a quick hack, but in subsequent discussion, he asked
whether it would be possible to put the tester's ID in an environment
variable so it would be easily to selectively bypass CPAN Testers
reporting for particular testers.


I could see that being useful, for example, on a Build.PL only
distribution for a tester with an old CPANPLUS that doesn't deal well
with M::B.  Or for a tester that has an obviously broken perl
installation (e.g. files deleted or locally patched).

Putting my Author hat on, that doesn't sound at all useful, as I'd have to maintain my list of bad testers, in several different modules, as well as keep track of which testers I don't like for which reasons. Far too much like hard work for me to use it right!

Since we already set AUTOMATED_TESTING to a true value, I thought that
might be a natural place to put it.

My question to the group:
* Is flagging tester in an environment variable a good idea?  Bad idea?

Can't do any harm, and if even one author finds it useful ...

* AUTOMATED_TESTING or something else?

Might as well re-use that.

* Let smokers set their own ID for this?  (more work, less standard)
  Or use the email "From" line?  (automatic and consistent)

The latter has potential spam issues since the email addresses will
wind up visible in the environmental variables section of the report.

Because of spam I'd rather let testers set it themselves, and suggest that they set it to their PAUSE ID. That way they're still easily contactable as [EMAIL PROTECTED] I don't care about the spam issues myself as the bastards have already all got my email address, but I'm sure some people are still lucky enough to be reasonably spam-free and I'd like to help them remain so.

On the plus side, it makes it easier to see who sent a report in the
NNTP web interface when the From line is obscured.

Do test reports include a link to Barbie's NNTP de-obfuscator yet?

David Cantrell | top google result for "topless karaoke murders"

    The Law of Daves: in any gathering of technical people, the
    number of Daves will be greater than the number of women.

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