On Wed, Sep 03, 2008 at 05:38:29PM -0700, chromatic wrote:

> Now before everyone jumps on me and says "You're on drugs, you hate all users,
> and you can't possibly believe that there's any way the mere thought that 
> purpose one has ever considered the idea of allowing its shadow to cross our 
> minds!"

OK, I won't.  I'll just say that you're obviously too angry to compose a
coherent sentence.

Please, step back from the keyboard, take a deep breath, and *think*
about why people might hold different views from you.  Then if you still
disagree, try to present your case in a less combative way.  Right now,
you're pissing off the very people who are in a position to fix what you
think is broken.

David Cantrell | Godless Liberal Elitist

"Every normal man must be tempted at times to spit on his hands,
 hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats." -- H. L. Mencken

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