On 27 March 2017 at 16:10, Dan Collins <dcolli...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I've had a chance to make sure that this test environment isn't horribly
> broken...

Yeah, there's enough broken you sort of need a double-testing system.

Start with =0 , and then upon hitting a failure, retry with =1 ...
while paying care
not to let the =1 bleed into children in the recursive step.


1. Install X with UNSAFE_INC=0
2. Configure fails?
    1. Report N/A Fail
    2. Generate META.JSON with UNSAFE_INC=1
    3. Installdeps with UNSAFE_INC=0
    4. Run tests with UNSAFE_INC=0
    5. Tests Fail?
        1. Report FAIL
        2. Re-run  tests with UNSAFE_INC=1
        3. Report Test result

I don't know how to make my tools do this automatically so I've been
doing it manually and filing bugs, to fill the gaps in automation.


KENTNL - https://metacpan.org/author/KENTNL

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