I've gotten a few requests to remove data from CPAN Testers. I don't know if 
that has ever been done, and I'm not sure if I'd like to start doing it, but 
there are some situations that I do not think can be fixed any other way:

Chad Granum (Exodist) wants to see the latest releases of Test-Simple first, 
but their version numbers are lower than some previously-released versions (and 
we cannot, to my knowledge, be the arbiter of those kind of problems). This 
results in issues like http://matrix.cpantesters.org/?dist=Test-Simple 
<http://matrix.cpantesters.org/?dist=Test-Simple> and 
<http://beta.cpantesters.org/chart.html?dist=Test-Simple> where these invalid 
versions are shown first.

There's also simply a _lot_ of data on CPAN Testers, some of which is for 
distributions that are no longer installable on CPAN (distributions available 
only on Backpan). This slows down a lot of otherwise simple procedures. If 
there was a way to move this data to another place, a lot of the normal 
operation of the site would be faster. However, partitioning the site like this 
would likely require a bunch of changes to downstream systems (which would have 
to decide which side of the partition they want). This doesn't sound like an 
insurmountable problem: The APIs default to "all" and you can opt-in to the 
faster "cpan" partition.

We could just fix the Test-Simple issue (and other similar issues) by deleting 
the data that will never be relevant again: Test-Simple 2.0 was never released 
and only got development versions. Then we could discuss/develop longer-term 
solutions for the other issues.

Does anyone have any other thoughts/opinions?

Doug Bell

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