At 08:03 PM 04/03/2001 -0700, Sandy Sandfort wrote:
>So, do the participants of this list wish to actually get something done
>with regard to securing privacy, or shall we just spin our wheels in
>internecine warfare?

Well, we *could* act like good Libertarian party member and
go for the internecine warfare (:-)
As Kissinger once said, the reason academic politics is so vicious
is because the stakes are so low, and that often applies to
philosophically oriented parties, where it's calm rational Libertarians
or loony Constitutionists or Trotskyites....

Jim Choate's characterization of Seth's opposition to Libertarianism
isn't particularly precise or accurate, but Seth and Jim both do
strongly disagree with various aspects of _L_ibertarian philosophy,
_l_ibertarian philosophy and economics, and their adherents.
Certainly if Libertarians can find reasons to passionately disagree with
other libertarians and act like obsessive bull-headed kooks,
non-Libertarians can do so as well :-)  And if you're not sufficiently
satisfied going after the level-headed mainstream academics like
David Friedman, we'll be happy to find somebody out on the lunatic fringe
to keep you occupied tweaking your favorite pet issues....

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