On 25 Apr 2001, at 0:53, Matthew Gaylor wrote:

> How could that possibly make a difference?  It shouldn't matter if 
> the train trip were to the dark side of the moon.

If you book an airline trip you think nothing of giving a telephone 
number.  What is the difference between airline travel and train 
travel?  I guess it depends on how you define train travel.  A simple 
way to define train travel is divide into short-haul and long-haul.

Long-haul train travel is probably fairly comparable to airline travel, 
at least from the supplier's point of view.  You think nothing of giving 
your phone number for airline travel so why should you think 
differently of supplying a telephone number for long-haul train travel. 
The supplier of long-haul train travel would have similar resource 
allocation problems as the airline travel supplier and the same 
reasons for wanting the option of being able to contact the 

I used the distance comparison as I am pretty sure if I booked a 
London to Baghdad train ticket (or London to Moscow if there is no 
rail service to Baghdad) I would be asked for a contact number.  

Raymond D. Mereniuk
History of a Telco, A Fairy Tale

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