Dear All,

Here my new proposal, slightly reworked😁

* The Capital of Russia (E4) [the capital of Russia in the sense of an administrative unit moved in historical times from Moscow to St Petersburg and again back to Moscow. This exemplifies an administrative unit changing place over time without temporal discontinuity]

*  The settling activity of the community of Hersinki (or Helsingfors) (E7) [the old settlement of Helsinki (or Helsingfors) was located in the area of the modern airport. The community moved later to settle on the coast. This exemplifies a continued activity changing place over time without temporal discontinuity]

* Bronze Period (E4) [Bronze Period spread out into disjoint areas including islands such as the British Islands without temporal discontinuity]

* Japan, the country (E4) [In 2021, the Japanese country as political unit comprises in 6852 islands extending along the Pacific coast of Asia]

On 10/8/2021 8:24 PM, Martin Doerr wrote:
Dear All,

Please let me add some clarifications.

All valid aspects that you mention😁

.. but with the Russian example I wanted to describe an administrative unit, not to explain the term "capital of Russia", nor who maintains it. I follow Oeyvind's arguments about the complexity of involved actors. So, let's not make it too complicated. If a better term than "capital" needs to be or can be found, the better.

The point with the Helsinki example is that settlement and administrative unit are completely different in substance.

When the Russian capital moved, the settling activity did not abandon Moscow and later St. Petersburg. The cities did not change names. Only the administrators/governmental bodies will have moved, and associated businesses and nobles. When the Helsinki settlers moved, they may not have formed an administrative unit, or may be the administrative unit was larger, or administrative units stayed in place, or moved with the settlers, but the settlement activity abandoned the old place and populated the new area, as I understand, carrying with it its local name.  May be someone can add the details?

Therefore, I try to show that settling and administrative units should be  distinguished, regardless whether in former times administrative units may have imposed limits on settling activities.

Kiruna is nice and exactly up to the point, but ongoing, if I understand correctly?

Wrt to Japan, I tried to find the official title of the current country as political unit. Can anybody help, our Japanese colleagues?   "Country" may be better?



 Dr. Martin Doerr
Honorary Head of the
 Center for Cultural Informatics
Information Systems Laboratory
 Institute of Computer Science
 Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas (FORTH)
N.Plastira 100, Vassilika Vouton,
 GR70013 Heraklion,Crete,Greece

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