Thank you, David, for taking care of the EPP repo build and starting it

Regarding the RAP issue with the duplicate bundles... Yes, we are lucky! I
kept my mouth shut in the discussion yesterday because I had the theory
that p2 would resolve this 'problem' itself by running the aggregator
again. ;-)
The only feature (org.eclipse.gyrex.features.dependencies.admin) that
defines a hard dependency to the bundle with the wrong version is not
contributed to the Kepler repository.


On Fri, Jun 14, 2013 at 4:31 AM, David M Williams <
> wrote:

> **<>
> After review from the Planning Council, I have respun the staging
> repository, with just the CDO contribution contributing anything new. For
> everyone else, I used the previous staging build as "input" for your
> contributions, so would expect identical contents (which, it turns out, is
> not quite the case).
> The new CDO files are as listed at the end of this note ... I hope that's
> what you were expecting ... more features changing than plugins!
> Everything else was identical, with one exception.
> Where there were two versions of org.eclipse.rap.rwt_* in staging before,
> there is now only one:
> org.eclipse.rap.rwt_2.1.0.20130611-2139.jar
> and no longer the additional older version
> org.eclipse.rap.rwt_2.1.0.20130527-1011.jar
> If that was the RAP/Gyrex issue mentioned before, then it turns out you
> got your wish "for free" ... thanks to the magical
> (not-completely-deterministic) behavior of p2, I guess.
> (But, I'd be sure to test well :)
> = = = =  = new CDO content:
> staging/features: org.eclipse.emf.cdo.defs.source_4.2.0.v20130613-1556.jar
> staging/features: org.eclipse.emf.cdo.defs_4.2.0.v20130613-1556.jar
> staging/features: org.eclipse.emf.cdo.epp_4.2.0.v20130613-1556.jar
> staging/features: org.eclipse.emf.cdo.sdk.source_4.2.0.v20130613-1556.jar
> staging/features: org.eclipse.emf.cdo.sdk_4.2.0.v20130613-1556.jar
> staging/features: org.eclipse.emf.cdo.source_4.2.0.v20130613-1556.jar
> staging/features: org.eclipse.emf.cdo_4.2.0.v20130613-1556.jar
> staging/plugins:
> org.eclipse.emf.cdo.net4j.source_4.1.100.v20130613-1556.jar
> staging/plugins: org.eclipse.emf.cdo.net4j_4.1.100.v20130613-1556.jar
> staging/plugins:
> org.eclipse.emf.cdo.net4j_4.1.100.v20130613-1556.jar.pack.gz
> = = = = = =
> Please let me know if that's not correct for CDOs new contribution.
> Markus, I didn't quite follow my usual automated steps, so manually
> started a EPP repo build on Hudson once the new staging repo was in place.
> Thanks to Eike for his contributions and care for quality, and thanks to
> everyone who made constructive comments.
> From:        David M Williams/Raleigh/IBM@IBMUS
> To:,
> Date:        06/12/2013 07:08 PM
> Subject:        [cross-project-issues-dev] Kepler's final staging
> repository is        complete
> Sent by:
> ------------------------------
> Here we are, at (near) the end of RC4 already! EPP packages will be
> complete in a day or two.
> Everyone, and especially anyone who pushed changes late in the day, should
> confirm the staging repo contains what you expect it to.
> *
> ***<>
> The final repo-reports are available at the usual place:
> *
> ***<>
> For those of you with "missing legal files" ... it is between you and the
> EMO if they will grant an exception for the release.
> I know of only one project that as requested it (bug 401273).
> As for other things, such as unsigned jars, technically you should work
> with your PMC and planning representative to ask for exceptions,
> but suspect if you have not done so by now, it's simply a matter that you
> don't care. But, if you do, the reference is *
> **
> *<>
> Beyond that, I'll leave it up to the rest of the Planning Council to raise
> objections if they think any violations are so egregious it deserves
> discussing whether or not to included in the common repo.
> Remember that as we enter "quiet week" we do NOT promote the builds to
> their usual place,  since to do so is basically making the release
> available early.
> The purpose of "quiet week" is partially to allow adopters to do final
> acceptance testing, but to also serve as a buffer in case a build is
> required -- but, rebuilds are very risky, and rare, so has to be an
> especially bad bug (such as one which prevents install or update from
> working, or perhaps where one project prevents another project from
> working).
> Otherwise, the extra time is for projects to prepare "hot fix" feature
> patches to be available from their own project repositories.
> If you like to read wordy, but possibly educational, documents, don't
> forget about *
> ***<>
> Thanks everyone. Good luck with your final testing and wrap-up.
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