
EMF and XSD are built together and served from the same update site(s):


So they are also contributed together, i.e., /org.eclipse.simrel.build/emf-emf.aggrcon contains XSD's SDK:

    <features name="org.eclipse.xsd.sdk.feature.group">
      <categories href="simrel.aggr#//@customCategories[identifier='Modeling']"/>

I just created reviews and submitted IP logs for EMF, XSD, and Oomph yesterday, but I still need to send each out for PMC approval.  I wonder if this approval processing might be improved via an automated note to the PMC when a review that needs approval (major/minor) is first scheduled?  I.e., analogous to what happens when a new committer is elected... That would make managing the approval easier for everyone.  Of course I'm not trying to downplay the effort needed to implement that!


On 27.11.2018 19:58, Wayne Beaton wrote:
Hey folks. Below is the list of projects that have an aggrcon file in the simultaneous release build and by extension are participating projects in the simultaneous release (in past years, each of these projects would have explicitly "opted in").

  * I'm pretty sure that *Equinox* is actually participating as part
    of Eclipse Platform; assuming this is true, it will drop from this
  * Eclipse *eGerrit*, Eclipse *Sapphire*, and Eclipse
    *Subversive* have all dropped out, but still have aggregation
    scripts in the repo (Sapphire is enabled, yikes).  I've pushed a
    review <https://git.eclipse.org/r/#/c/133144/> to remove these.
  * It looks like Eclipse *Sphinx* and Eclipse *Amalgam* are currently
    disabled. What's the status of these projects?
  * Eclipse *JGit*, Eclipse *XSD*, *EclipseLink*, and Eclipse *Yasson*
    all participated in last year but not in the aggregate repository;
    I'll add them manually unless I'm told otherwise.
  * I still need to work out how to derive the release version from
    the data available.

Keeping the above in mind, please have a look and let me know if you notice that your project is not on the list, or notice that a project on the list should not be there.

Note that if you're planning to contribute new bits to the release, you should start thinking about your IP Log and Release Review materials soon.

  * Eclipse Acceleo (modeling.acceleo)
  * Eclipse Accessibility Tools Framework (technology.actf)
  * Eclipse aCute (tools.acute)
  * Eclipse Amalgam (modeling.amalgam)
  * Eclipse ATL (modeling.mmt.atl)
  * Eclipse BPEL Designer (soa.bpel)
  * Eclipse BPMN 2.0 Modeler (soa.bpmn2-modeler)
  * Eclipse BPMN2 (modeling.mdt.bpmn2)
  * Eclipse Buildship (tools.buildship)
  * Eclipse Business Intelligence and Reporting Tools (birt)
  * Eclipse C/C++ Development Tools (tools.cdt)
  * Eclipse CDO (modeling.emf.cdo)
  * Eclipse Code Recommenders (technology.recommenders)
  * Eclipse Collections (technology.collections)
  * Eclipse Communication Framework (rt.ecf)
  * Eclipse Corrosion (tools.corrosion)
  * Eclipse Data Tools Platform (tools.datatools)
  * Eclipse Dynamic Languages Toolkit (technology.dltk)
  * Eclipse EclEmma (technology.eclemma)
  * Eclipse Ecore Tools (modeling.ecoretools)
  * Eclipse e(fx)clipse (technology.efxclipse)
  * Eclipse eGerrit (technology.egerrit)
  * Eclipse EMF Client (modeling.ecp)
  * Eclipse EMF Compare (modeling.emfcompare)
  * Eclipse EMF Diff/Merge (modeling.emf.diffmerge)
  * Eclipse EMF Facet (modeling.emft.emf-facet)
  * Eclipse EMF (modeling.emf.emf)
  * Eclipse EMF Services (modeling.emfservices)
  * Eclipse EMFStore (modeling.emfstore)
  * Eclipse Equinox (eclipse.equinox)
  * Eclipse Extended Editing Framework (modeling.eef)
  * Eclipse Generation Factories (modeling.emf.egf)
  * Eclipse Git Team Provider (technology.egit)
  * Eclipse GMF Runtime (modeling.gmf-runtime)
  * Eclipse Graphical Editing Framework (tools.gef)
  * Eclipse Graphiti (modeling.graphiti)
  * Eclipse Java Workflow Tooling (soa.jwt)
  * Eclipse Jubula (technology.jubula)
  * Eclipse Linux Tools (tools.linuxtools)
  * Eclipse LSP4E (technology.lsp4e)
  * Eclipse LSP4J (technology.lsp4j)
  * Eclipse Lua Development Tools (tools.ldt)
  * Eclipse m2eclipse (technology.m2e)
  * Eclipse Marketplace Client Project (technology.packaging.mpc)
  * Eclipse Maven Integration for Web Tools Platform
  * Eclipse Memory Analyzer (tools.mat)
  * Eclipse Modeling Framework (modeling.emf)
  * Eclipse Modeling Workflow Engine (modeling.emf.mwe)
  * Eclipse MoDisco (modeling.mdt.modisco)
  * Eclipse Mylyn Docs (mylyn.docs)
  * Eclipse Mylyn (mylyn)
  * Eclipse Object Teams (tools.objectteams)
  * Eclipse OCL (modeling.mdt.ocl)
  * Eclipse Oomph (tools.oomph)
  * Eclipse Packaging Project (technology.packaging)
  * Eclipse Papyrus (modeling.mdt.papyrus)
  * Eclipse Parallel Tools Platform (tools.ptp)
  * Eclipse PHP Development Tools (tools.pdt)
  * Eclipse Presentation Modeling Framework (modeling.pmf)
  * Eclipse Project (eclipse)
  * Eclipse QVTd (modeling.mmt.qvtd)
  * Eclipse QVT-OML (modeling.mmt.qvt-oml)
  * Eclipse RCP Testing Tool (technology.rcptt)
  * Eclipse RedDeer (technology.reddeer)
  * Eclipse Remote Application Platform (rt.rap)
  * Eclipse Sapphire (technology.sapphire)
  * Eclipse Scout (technology.scout)
  * Eclipse Sirius (modeling.sirius)
  * Eclipse Sphinx (modeling.sphinx)
  * Eclipse Subversive (technology.subversive)
  * Eclipse SWTBot (technology.swtbot)
  * Eclipse Target Communication Framework (tools.cdt.tcf)
  * Eclipse Target Management (tools.tm <http://tools.tm>)
  * Eclipse TM4E (technology.tm4e)
  * Eclipse Tools for Cloud Foundry (ecd.cft)
  * Eclipse Trace Compass (tools.tracecompass)
  * Eclipse UML2 (modeling.mdt.uml2)
  * Eclipse USS SDK (technology.usssdk)
  * Eclipse VIATRA (modeling.viatra)
  * Eclipse Web Tools Platform Project (webtools)
  * Eclipse WindowBuilder (tools.windowbuilder)
  * Eclipse Xpand (modeling.m2t.xpand)
  * Eclipse Xtext (modeling.tmf.xtext)
  * Eclipse XWT (technology.xwt)


Wayne Beaton

Director of Open Source Projects | Eclipse Foundation, Inc.

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