Wayne, our project EMF Parsley is not in this list, though we have an
aggrcon file (enabled)


On 27/11/18 19:58, Wayne Beaton wrote:
> Keeping the above in mind, please have a look and let me know if you
> notice that your project is not on the list, or notice that a project on
> the list should not be there.
> Note that if you're planning to contribute new bits to the release, you
> should start thinking about your IP Log and Release Review materials soon.
>   * Eclipse Acceleo (modeling.acceleo)
>   * Eclipse Accessibility Tools Framework (technology.actf)
>   * Eclipse aCute (tools.acute)
>   * Eclipse Amalgam (modeling.amalgam)
>   * Eclipse ATL (modeling.mmt.atl)
>   * Eclipse BPEL Designer (soa.bpel)
>   * Eclipse BPMN 2.0 Modeler (soa.bpmn2-modeler)
>   * Eclipse BPMN2 (modeling.mdt.bpmn2)
>   * Eclipse Buildship (tools.buildship)
>   * Eclipse Business Intelligence and Reporting Tools (birt)
>   * Eclipse C/C++ Development Tools (tools.cdt)
>   * Eclipse CDO (modeling.emf.cdo)
>   * Eclipse Code Recommenders (technology.recommenders)
>   * Eclipse Collections (technology.collections)
>   * Eclipse Communication Framework (rt.ecf)
>   * Eclipse Corrosion (tools.corrosion)
>   * Eclipse Data Tools Platform (tools.datatools)
>   * Eclipse Dynamic Languages Toolkit (technology.dltk)
>   * Eclipse EclEmma (technology.eclemma)
>   * Eclipse Ecore Tools (modeling.ecoretools)
>   * Eclipse e(fx)clipse (technology.efxclipse)
>   * Eclipse eGerrit (technology.egerrit)
>   * Eclipse EMF Client (modeling.ecp)
>   * Eclipse EMF Compare (modeling.emfcompare)
>   * Eclipse EMF Diff/Merge (modeling.emf.diffmerge)
>   * Eclipse EMF Facet (modeling.emft.emf-facet)
>   * Eclipse EMF (modeling.emf.emf)
>   * Eclipse EMF Services (modeling.emfservices)
>   * Eclipse EMFStore (modeling.emfstore)
>   * Eclipse Equinox (eclipse.equinox)
>   * Eclipse Extended Editing Framework (modeling.eef)
>   * Eclipse Generation Factories (modeling.emf.egf)
>   * Eclipse Git Team Provider (technology.egit)
>   * Eclipse GMF Runtime (modeling.gmf-runtime)
>   * Eclipse Graphical Editing Framework (tools.gef)
>   * Eclipse Graphiti (modeling.graphiti)
>   * Eclipse Java Workflow Tooling (soa.jwt)
>   * Eclipse Jubula (technology.jubula)
>   * Eclipse Linux Tools (tools.linuxtools)
>   * Eclipse LSP4E (technology.lsp4e)
>   * Eclipse LSP4J (technology.lsp4j)
>   * Eclipse Lua Development Tools (tools.ldt)
>   * Eclipse m2eclipse (technology.m2e)
>   * Eclipse Marketplace Client Project (technology.packaging.mpc)
>   * Eclipse Maven Integration for Web Tools Platform
>     (technology.m2e.m2e-wtp)
>   * Eclipse Memory Analyzer (tools.mat)
>   * Eclipse Modeling Framework (modeling.emf)
>   * Eclipse Modeling Workflow Engine (modeling.emf.mwe)
>   * Eclipse MoDisco (modeling.mdt.modisco)
>   * Eclipse Mylyn Docs (mylyn.docs)
>   * Eclipse Mylyn (mylyn)
>   * Eclipse Object Teams (tools.objectteams)
>   * Eclipse OCL (modeling.mdt.ocl)
>   * Eclipse Oomph (tools.oomph)
>   * Eclipse Packaging Project (technology.packaging)
>   * Eclipse Papyrus (modeling.mdt.papyrus)
>   * Eclipse Parallel Tools Platform (tools.ptp)
>   * Eclipse PHP Development Tools (tools.pdt)
>   * Eclipse Presentation Modeling Framework (modeling.pmf)
>   * Eclipse Project (eclipse)
>   * Eclipse QVTd (modeling.mmt.qvtd)
>   * Eclipse QVT-OML (modeling.mmt.qvt-oml)
>   * Eclipse RCP Testing Tool (technology.rcptt)
>   * Eclipse RedDeer (technology.reddeer)
>   * Eclipse Remote Application Platform (rt.rap)
>   * Eclipse Sapphire (technology.sapphire)
>   * Eclipse Scout (technology.scout)
>   * Eclipse Sirius (modeling.sirius)
>   * Eclipse Sphinx (modeling.sphinx)
>   * Eclipse Subversive (technology.subversive)
>   * Eclipse SWTBot (technology.swtbot)
>   * Eclipse Target Communication Framework (tools.cdt.tcf)
>   * Eclipse Target Management (tools.tm <http://tools.tm>)
>   * Eclipse TM4E (technology.tm4e)
>   * Eclipse Tools for Cloud Foundry (ecd.cft)
>   * Eclipse Trace Compass (tools.tracecompass)
>   * Eclipse UML2 (modeling.mdt.uml2)
>   * Eclipse USS SDK (technology.usssdk)
>   * Eclipse VIATRA (modeling.viatra)
>   * Eclipse Web Tools Platform Project (webtools)
>   * Eclipse WindowBuilder (tools.windowbuilder)
>   * Eclipse Xpand (modeling.m2t.xpand)
>   * Eclipse Xtext (modeling.tmf.xtext)
>   * Eclipse XWT (technology.xwt)
> Wayne
> -- 
> Wayne Beaton
> Director of Open Source Projects | Eclipse Foundation, Inc.
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Prof. Lorenzo Bettini, Computer Science, DISIA, Univ. Firenze
HOME: http://www.lorenzobettini.it
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