On Mon, Mar 23, 2020 at 10:57 AM Becker, Matthias <ma.bec...@sap.com> wrote:

> How does platform's "Check for Updates" handle this? What happens if a
> user has an existing installation running on Java 8 (and this is the user's
> one and only Java VM)? Does P2 tell the user that the new bundles to be
> installed require Java 11 but that the current installation does not supply
> this?

So far, p2 won't tell anything, and would install anyway, user would then
click restart and would get an error in the log, most likely a
NoClassDefFoundError with UnsupportedClassVersionError.
Related ticket is https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=483383 .

I acknowledge it's pretty ugly, but I wouldn't qualify it as a blocker as
there are workarounds/solutions (install Java 11+) and no user data is lost
(workspace and code can still be used against older versions of
Java/Eclipse IDE). However, it's indeed something we need to anticipate, by
trying to improve the story (with a fix on the bug, or with some strong
documentation and communication, or whatever).
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