well nobody uses download.php in tycho builds and target files in general
but rather something like

Am 18.11.21 um 19:35 schrieb Frederic Gurr:
> Hi,
> There will be transparent redirects for all downloads that use
> http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/downloads.php
> It might make sense to add additional redirects.
> Regards,
> Fred
> On 18.11.21 19:05, Christian Dietrich wrote:
>> hi, will there be transparent redirect or do we have to adapt all
>> targets e.g. against oxygen?
>> Am 18.11.21 um 18:43 schrieb Frederic Gurr:
>>> Hi,
>>> On https://gitlab.eclipse.org/eclipsefdn/helpdesk/-/issues/78
>>> ("Download.e.o size too big for mirrors"), Aleksandar Kurtakov pointed
>>> out, that a big chunk of disk space is taken by the content of the
>>> https://download.eclipse.org/releases folder.
>>> It currently contains all SimRel releases from "Europa" to 2021-12
>>> taking up ~100GB. As a first step the mirrors exclude list has been
>>> modified so all releases up to "Mars" are not mirrored.
>>> I'm planning to move all releases from "Europa" to 2019-12 to
>>> archive.eclipse.org next week. So only the last 8 releases will stay on
>>> download.eclipse.org. I will add the task to move old releases to
>>> archive.eclipse.org to the release check list
>>> https://wiki.eclipse.org/SimRel/Release_Checklist.
>>> Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.
>>> Regards,
>>> Fred

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