ERACC wrote:
On Sunday 05 June 2005 01:40 pm
Todd Mitchell wrote:

The current Java Editor does not seem to be very stable.  Especially it
tends to have a problem with really big maps (can't open them) and
eventually won't open maps and has to be restarted.  Behaves like a
Memory leak?  Also sometimes the map window graphics are getting
corrupted by the file menus from the main window (something updating the
wrong container?)

Noticed these problems here too. Hopefully some Java guru will have a
try at fixing it and release a new .jar (I haven't tried yet to build
from source). I did make it able to open huge maps by increasing the
maximum heap size using a command line switch. My personal bash
script to run the editor is attached.

I've noticed it to on fedora core 3. Using the -Xmx<some large val>m to increase the heap size helps out. I don't know what the default is, but does seem to small. It certainly is a memory leak issue, because I do see errors like this from the window I run it from when it starts to misbehave:

[java] Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space

In theory, java is supposed to reclaim memory so there shouldn't be memory management issues. I wonder if some pointer isn't being cleared, and therefor memory from the map isn't being freed as it should.

One can see the problem pretty easily - load one of the world_x_y maps and do enter north/east/whatever a few times.

Increasing the heap size really just masks the problem. OTOH, I think the default is probably pretty low for how much memory most systems probably have now days.

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