Andrew Fuchs wrote:
> On 9/24/06, Mark Wedel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ...
>> The main advantages I see of the drawextinfo is this:
>> - Support for the media tags (bold text, different fonts, etc).  I'd expect
>> these to be infrequently used, as in general the global tag/attribute should 
>> be
>> used.  But I think use in NPC messages giving clues what can be discussed 
>> with
>> them by doing bold or underline would be very good (we should probalby decide
>> what the form for that syntax highlighting it is, so that it is consistent
>> accross all the maps/NPCs)
> Or we could make a new tag like "[triggerword]".  The server then
> could decide on it's formatting.  Also, if it is passed to the client,
> the client could make the hilighted phrase clickable.

  That could be reasonable.  However, I think that should just get passed to 
client, and the client decides what to do with it, not the server.

  My general philosophy is to try to offload those decisions/that work to the 
client - in a sense, we should try not to hold preferences on the server unless 
they are a per character type of issue.

  And if passed to the client, it could of course make it clickable (just 
generated the appropriate say command).

  A possible interesting extension could be something like [img=sword.111] or 
the like.  The image itself being one of the images in the arch directory.  
you actually could have pictures of monsters with the scroll that describes 
them, etc.

  And from a more complex level, you could actually have real maps to places, 
not the ascii maps.  The map would have to be put in the arch tree, and a the 
images collected, but that is certainly better than anything we have now.

>> - Instead of the server telling the client the color to use and the client
>> blindly following it, the client now knows the type of messages.  So with 
>> some
>> extra logic, I could decide that I want the level gain message to be in a
>> specific font in bright green, even though the server says those should be in
>> red.  It would also allow for easier filtering (if chat/say/shout have their 
>> own
>> types, easier to have a conversation pane, etc).
> Very useful in my opinion.  I really like the colors that "me chats: "
> uses.  Though that could be considered a bug.

  To me, the filter/font is less desirable than the filtering.  With this 
change, it will now be possible to really have a tab just for chat related 
messages, etc.  I think to actually be able to set colors/fonts, we may need to 
trim down the number of subtypes, and/or make some common values.

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