
> Sounds like a good test city to work with.
> Does, or will, your work also include /darcap/town2/* maps?

Yes, probably.
Rewriting the elemental quest could be on my TODO list.

> If your changes will have a major impact on the existing guilds in
> Darcap for the trunk servers already out there, then it might be
> preferred to check in the work when it is all finished.  Keep in mind
> the file paths for all the players who have a "big chest" in one of the
> guilds there. ;-)
> Otherwise, for tracking purposes - numerous & smaller changes is
> preferred IMO.

I won't change the guilds/apartments, so that should be ok :)

I guess I'll commit often, then, even if experimental.

http://nicolas.weeger.org [Mon p'tit coin du web]

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