> So the tavern owner would never respawn .. ever?

That's the subject of this thread :)

> What about making the NPC un-attackable or immune to all attacks?

=> unkillable.

> Going with you preferred option listed above.. what happens when that
> NPC dies for some reason?  Another nearby NPC is created?

Yes, a NPC is created nearby (in the same building for a tavern, for 
instance), after some delay.

> What happens if the entire tavern population is wiped out from a
> misfired spell or marauding player?

Depends on the role this tavern plays, and the various NPCs.
If random NPCs, they'll respawn maybe later.
If "special" NPCs (dragon emissary?), then after some time there should be a 
similar one.

Of course it really depends on the context.

http://nicolas.weeger.org [Mon p'tit coin du web]

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