Cryptography-Digest Digest #244, Volume #9       Tue, 16 Mar 99 19:13:03 EST

  Something, perhaps fun, to decrypt... Give it a try. (Ash)


Crossposted-To: rec.puzzles
Subject: Something, perhaps fun, to decrypt... Give it a try.
Date: 16 Mar 1999 23:21:08 GMT

The following is a brute-force client for a cute little encryption
engine that was found in a game on the net the other day.

This is taken off a web page that is giving away a piece of luggage to
anyone/everyone who can get the correct 16 character username and 4
character password for their little web page. The method below is a
cute little byte swapping, xoring method that does not really qualify 
as encryption, but hey, it's a cute little bag you get for breaking it.

There are two possible solutions and we have yet to find either, but
the cyphertext for both of them are below (Code1 & Code2) and when
decrypted properly form URLs starting with http://www. So, if you find
the answer you can grab one for yourself, but I would appreciate also
getting told what the answer is so I can claim one as well.

I am figuring there has to be a better way then brute force for this
as it seems a very simplistic design and, in my limited knowledge,
looks like it should be easily reversible.

Please write me directly at [EMAIL PROTECTED] with any questions, or
perhaps the solution. I can also provide the original javascript if
that is helpful.

// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

// Defines (Conditional compilation)
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------


        // 0 = Orginal code
        // 1 = Optimizations
        #define OPTIMIZATIONS 1

        int Num_Iterations = 500000;
        // int Num_Iterations = 1;

        #define VER "2.1"

// Includes   
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------

        // Standard includes i.e. stdio.h
        #include <iostream.h>
        #include <stdio.h>
        #include <math.h>
        #include <time.h> // clock()
        #include <string.h> // strlen()
        //#include <fstream.h>   //save log file - to be implemented.

// Defines (Macros)
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------

        // Stupid MS compilers STILL dont define this !
        // And, yes I'm using MSVC C/C++ IDE to write this ;-)
        #ifndef M_PI
                const double M_PI = 3.141592653589793;

// Consts (Public)
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------

        const int FALSE = 0;
        const int TRUE  = 1;

// Types (Private)
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------

        // If you're running this in a 32-bit environment,
        // align single-chars on this boundary since odd memory accesses are slow.

        // Use 4 bytes/char:
        typedef long keytype;
        // Use normal one byte/char:
        // typedef unsigned short keytype;

        // Use normal one byte/char:
        // typedef unsigned char keytype;

// Globals (Public)
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Consts (Private)
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------

        // Must be a power of 2 !!!
        const int KEY_LENGTH   = 64;
        const int LEN_LOGIN    = 16;
        const int LEN_PASSWORD = 4;

        const int DICT_SIZE = 73;
        const char HEX_STRING[ ] = "0123456789ABCDEF";

        // The dictionary of allowed characters in the login/password.
        const keytype Convert[ DICT_SIZE ] =
                //  1..26 = a..z
                // 27..36 = 0..9
                // 37..43 = misc symbols
                // 44..69 = A..Z
                , '0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9' 
                , '.','/',':',';','=','?','@'
                , '~',' ','>'

        // Unused ASCII chars:
        //  33 !
        //  34 "
        //  35 #
        //  36 $
        //  37 %
        //  38 &
        //  39 '
        //  40 (
        //  41 )
        //  42 *
        //  43 +
        //  44 ,
        //  45 -
        //  60 <
        //  62 >
        //  91 [
        //  92 \
        //  93 ]
        //  94 ^
        //  96 `
        // 123 {
        // 124 |
        // 125 }
        // Starting tables used to build the 2 keytables.
        const keytype Code1[ KEY_LENGTH ] =
                 101, 107, 173,  67,  68,   0,  40, 150,  97, 103,   0,   0, 109, 114, 
  0, 111 
                , 16, 245, 108,  47, 116, 186, 213, 141,  46,   0,  32,  27,   0, 140, 
104, 159 
                ,  0,  62, 109,  46,  83,   0,  84, 108,  40, 128, 172,   7,   4,   0, 
 36, 207 
                , 18,  44, 222, 137, 116, 124, 208,  74, 153,  38, 149, 208,   0,  86, 
 67, 113 

        const keytype Code2[ KEY_LENGTH ] =
                  101, 108, 173, 205,  68,   0,  32,  71,  97, 103, 108,  97, 239,   
0,  99,   0
                , 102,  46,   0, 116,  20, 107, 103, 111,  46,   0,   0,  27,  12, 
140, 104, 194
                ,  94,  90, 109,  46, 100,   0,   0, 108,  40,   0,  27, 103, 108,  
30, 238, 190
                ,  18,  55, 176,  73,  74, 145, 208,  30, 153,  51,  36,   8,  83,  
86,  56, 241

        // Tests to make sure optimisizations dont break anything ;-)
        // login:    aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
        // password: aaaa
        const keytype Test_Output_1[ KEY_LENGTH ] =
                  0x0E, 0xD4, 0xAF, 0x7E, 0x77, 0x14, 0xA0, 0xCB
                , 0xA9, 0x85, 0xBE, 0x20, 0x05, 0xBE, 0x74, 0x3B
                , 0x61, 0x65, 0x29, 0x73, 0xBA, 0xDC, 0x49, 0xED
                , 0x74, 0x8D, 0xCA, 0x56, 0x64, 0x8B, 0x40, 0xA1
                , 0x71, 0x96, 0xB6, 0x6C, 0x20, 0xEE, 0x54, 0xD5
                , 0x74, 0x61, 0x12, 0x00, 0x31, 0x8C, 0x00, 0xA0
                , 0x36, 0xAD, 0x7B, 0x3F, 0x00, 0x7D, 0x5F, 0x7C
                , 0x2F, 0xBA, 0xAC, 0xAC, 0x95, 0x6D, 0x00, 0x6E

        // login:    aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
        // password: aaaa
        const keytype Test_Output_2[ KEY_LENGTH ] =
                  0xCE, 0xE3, 0xC1, 0x60, 0x1F, 0x9A, 0xA0, 0xCC
                , 0xA9, 0xFE, 0xBE, 0x00, 0x05, 0xCF, 0x29, 0x6F
                , 0x6D, 0x65, 0xA9, 0x73, 0xEE, 0xDC, 0x49, 0xF6
                , 0x14, 0x6F, 0xA6, 0x56, 0xBF, 0xEA, 0x36, 0x23
                , 0xF1, 0x47, 0xB6, 0x00, 0x35, 0xE6, 0x54, 0x67
                , 0x4A, 0x61, 0x12, 0x00, 0x31, 0x8C, 0x5E, 0xCF
                , 0x36, 0xAD, 0xA3, 0x4D, 0x63, 0xB7, 0x3B, 0x91
                , 0x74, 0x6B, 0x1B, 0xCC, 0x24, 0x6D, 0x53, 0x6E

// Globals (Private) 
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------

        // Globals for faster performance (avoids stack setup overhead)
        keytype Key      [ KEY_LENGTH ];
        keytype Decrypt_1[ KEY_LENGTH ];
        keytype Decrypt_2[ KEY_LENGTH ];

        keytype Login   [ KEY_LENGTH ];
        keytype Password[ KEY_LENGTH ];

        int Starting_Login   [ LEN_LOGIN    ];
        int Starting_Password[ LEN_PASSWORD ];

// Prototypes (Private)
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------

        // ==========================================================================
        void Build_KeyTable( keytype *login, keytype *password, keytype *key );

        // ==========================================================================
        void DecodeURL( keytype *login, keytype *password );

        // ==========================================================================
        void Do_BruteForceCrack( void );

        // ==========================================================================
        void Do_DictionaryCrack( char *dict_filename );

        // ==========================================================================
        int GetDictCharOffset( keytype symbol );

        // ==========================================================================
        void GetStartingPosition( char *arg, int *Starting_Array, const int MAX_LENGTH 

        // ==========================================================================
        void HexDumpDecrypt( keytype *decrypt );

        // ==========================================================================
        void Initialize( void );

        // ==========================================================================
        void Print_Login( void );

        // ==========================================================================
        void Print_Password( void );

        // ==========================================================================
        void Test_Decryption( void );

// Implementation
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------

// Builds the Key[0..63] table.
// ==========================================================================
void Build_KeyTable( keytype *login, keytype *password, keytype *key )
        int key_index;

        double temp = M_PI;

        for (key_index = 0; key_index < KEY_LENGTH; key_index++)
                temp = (double)((temp * login[key_index & 0xF]) + password[key_index & 
                if (temp >= (double)256.)
                        long div256 = (long)(temp / (double)256.);
                        temp = temp - ((double)256. * (double)div256);
                key[key_index] = (keytype)temp;
        double temp = M_PI;

        for (key_index = 0; key_index < KEY_LENGTH; key_index++)
                temp = fmod( (double)((temp * login[key_index & 0xF]) + 
password[key_index & 0x3]) , (double)256. );
                key[key_index] = (keytype)temp;

// ==========================================================================
void DecodeURL (keytype *login, keytype *password)
        register keytype swap;
        int  swap_index, index;

        // Initialize the decrpyt tables
        index = KEY_LENGTH;
        while (--index >= 0)
            Decrypt_1[ index ] = Code1[ index ];
                Decrypt_2[ index ] = Code2[ index ];

        Build_KeyTable( login, password, Key );

        index = KEY_LENGTH;
        while ( --index >= 0 )
                swap_index = Key[ index ] & (KEY_LENGTH - 1);
                if (swap_index == index)
                        swap_index = (swap_index + 1) & (KEY_LENGTH - 1);

                swap                    = Decrypt_1[ swap_index ] ^ Key[index];
                Decrypt_1[ swap_index ] = Decrypt_1[ index      ];
                Decrypt_1[ index      ] = swap;

                swap                    = Decrypt_2[ swap_index ] ^ Key[ index ];
                Decrypt_2[ swap_index ] = Decrypt_2[ index      ];
                Decrypt_2[ index      ] = swap;

// ==========================================================================
void Do_BruceForceCrack( void )
        //  All the following for loops where put verticly jsut so it wouldn't
        // be anoying and only the inner loop has any code.
        for (int a = Starting_Login[0]; a < DICT_SIZE;a++) //start of login
                Starting_Login[0] = 1; // HACK!: a
                Login[0] = Convert[ a ];
                for (int b = Starting_Login[1]; b < DICT_SIZE;b++)
                        Starting_Login[1] = 1; // HACK!: a
                        Login[1] = Convert[ b ];
                        for (int c = Starting_Login[2]; c < DICT_SIZE;c++)
                                Starting_Login[2] = 1; // HACK!: a
                                Login[2] = Convert[ c ];
                                for (int d = Starting_Login[3];d < DICT_SIZE;d++)
                                        Starting_Login[3] = 1; // HACK!: a
                                        Login[3] = Convert[ d ];
        for (int e = Starting_Login[4];e < DICT_SIZE;e++) //5
                Starting_Login[4] = 1; // HACK!: a
                Login[4] = Convert[ e ];
                for (int f = Starting_Login[5];f < DICT_SIZE;f++)
                        Starting_Login[5] = 1; // HACK!: a
                        Login[5] = Convert[ f ];
                        for (int g = Starting_Login[6];g < DICT_SIZE;g++)
                                Starting_Login[6] = 1; // HACK!: a
                                Login[6] = Convert[ g ];
                                for (int h = Starting_Login[7];h < DICT_SIZE;h++)
                                        Starting_Login[7] = 1; // HACK!: a
                                        Login[7] = Convert[ h ];
        for (int i = Starting_Login[8];i < DICT_SIZE;i++)
                Starting_Login[8] = 1; // HACK!: a
                Login[8] = Convert[ i ];
                for (int j = Starting_Login[ 9 ]; j < DICT_SIZE;j++) //10
                        Starting_Login[9] = 1; // HACK!: a
                        Login[9] = Convert[ j ];
                        for (int k = Starting_Login[10]; k < DICT_SIZE;k++)
                                Starting_Login[10] = 1; // HACK!: a
                                Login[10] = Convert[ k ];
                                for (int l = Starting_Login[11]; l < DICT_SIZE;l++)
                                        Starting_Login[11] = 1; // HACK!: a
                                        Login[11] = Convert[ l ];
        for (int m = Starting_Login[12]; m < DICT_SIZE;m++)
                Starting_Login[12] = 1; // HACK!: a
                Login[12] = Convert[ m ];
                for (int n = Starting_Login[ 13 ];n < DICT_SIZE;n++)
                        Starting_Login[13] = 1; // HACK!: a
                        Login[13] = Convert[ n ];
                        for (int o = Starting_Login[ 14 ]; o < DICT_SIZE;o++)
                                Starting_Login[14] = 1; // HACK!: a
                                Login[14] = Convert[ o ];
                                for (int p = Starting_Login[ 15 ]; p < DICT_SIZE;p++) 
//16  end of login
                                        Starting_Login[15] = 1; // HACK!: a
                                        Login[15] = Convert[ p ];
        for (int q = Starting_Password[0]; q < DICT_SIZE;q++) //start of password
                Starting_Password[0] = 1; // a
                Password[0] = Convert[ q ];
                for (int r = Starting_Password[1]; r < DICT_SIZE;r++)
                        Password[1] = Convert[ r ];
                        for (int s = Starting_Password[2]; s < DICT_SIZE;s++)
                                Password[2] = Convert[ s ];
                                for (int t = Starting_Password[3]; t < DICT_SIZE;t++) 
//20  end of password
                                        Password[3] = Convert[ t ];

                                        //runs decode just like Real program
                                        DecodeURL( Login, Password );

                                        //Checks to see if we have any winners
                                        if (
                                                (Decrypt_1[0]=='h') && 
(Decrypt_1[1]=='t') && (Decrypt_1[2]=='t') &&
                                                (Decrypt_1[3]=='p') && 
(Decrypt_1[4]==':') && (Decrypt_1[5]=='/') &&
                                                cout << "WINNER: ";
                                                cout << endl;
                                        if (
                                                (Decrypt_2[0]=='h') && 
(Decrypt_2[1]=='t') && (Decrypt_2[2]=='t') &&
                                                (Decrypt_2[3]=='p') && 
(Decrypt_2[4]==':') && (Decrypt_2[5]=='/') &&
                                                cout << "WINNER: ";
                                                cout << endl;
                                Starting_Password[3] = 1; // HACK!: a
                        Starting_Password[2] = 1; // HACK!: a
                Starting_Password[1] = 1; // HACK!: a

                // Everytime the first char of the password changes,
                // Spit out login/pasword (since using arrays now)
                cout << " ";
                //cout << "*";
                //cout << "*";
                cout << endl;
        Starting_Password[0] = 1; // HACK!: a


// ==========================================================================
void Do_DictionaryCrack( char *dict_filename )
        FILE *dict_file = NULL;
        int clear;
        int q = 0;
        int r = 0;
        int s = 0;
        int t = 0;

        dict_file = fopen( dict_filename, "rt" );
        if (dict_file == NULL)
                cout << "Couldnt open dictionary file: " << dict_filename << endl;
                goto bail;

        char line[ 128 ];       
        while( !feof( dict_file ) )
                // Dont forget to read the '\n' !
                fgets( line, 128, dict_file );

                // Move the word into the login field.
                        int word_len = strlen( line );

                        if (word_len > LEN_LOGIN)
                                word_len = LEN_LOGIN;

                        for( clear = 0; clear < word_len; clear++ )
                                Login[ clear ] = line[ clear ];

                        // If word is too short, pad it with spaces
                        if (word_len < LEN_LOGIN)
                                for( clear = word_len; clear < LEN_LOGIN; clear++ )
                                        Login[ clear ] = ' ';

                // And do one round of passwords...
                for ( q = Starting_Password[0]; q < DICT_SIZE;q++) //start of password
                        Starting_Password[0] = 1; // a
                        Password[0] = Convert[ q ];
                        for ( r = Starting_Password[1]; r < DICT_SIZE;r++)
                                Password[1] = Convert[ r ];
                                for ( s = Starting_Password[2]; s < DICT_SIZE;s++)
                                        Password[2] = Convert[ s ];
                                        for ( t = Starting_Password[3]; t < 
DICT_SIZE;t++) //20  end of password
                                                Password[3] = Convert[ t ];

                                                //runs decode just like Real program
                                                DecodeURL( Login, Password );

                                                //Checks to see if we have any winners
                                                if (
                                                        (Decrypt_1[0]=='h') && 
(Decrypt_1[1]=='t') && (Decrypt_1[2]=='t') &&
                                                        (Decrypt_1[3]=='p') && 
(Decrypt_1[4]==':') && (Decrypt_1[5]=='/') &&
                                                        cout << "WINNER: ";
                                                        cout << endl;
                                                if (
                                                        (Decrypt_2[0]=='h') && 
(Decrypt_2[1]=='t') && (Decrypt_2[2]=='t') &&
                                                        (Decrypt_2[3]=='p') && 
(Decrypt_2[4]==':') && (Decrypt_2[5]=='/') &&
                                                        cout << "WINNER: ";
                                                        cout << endl;
                                        Starting_Password[3] = 1; // HACK!: a
                                Starting_Password[2] = 1; // HACK!: a
                        Starting_Password[1] = 1; // HACK!: a

                        // Everytime the first char of the password changes,
                        // Spit out login/pasword (since using arrays now)
                        cout << " ";
                        //cout << "*";
                        cout << endl;
                Starting_Password[0] = 1; // HACK!: a

        if (dict_file != NULL)
                fclose( dict_file );
                dict_file = NULL;

// Returns the position of symble in table Convert, else 0 if not found.
// ==========================================================================
int GetDictCharOffset( keytype symbol )
        int i = 0;
        while (i++ < DICT_SIZE)
                if (Convert[ i ] == symbol)
                        return i;
        return 0;

// ==========================================================================
void GetStartingPosition( char *arg, int *Starting_Array, const int MAX_LENGTH )
        int clear;
        int arg_len = strlen( arg );

        // Convert '_' to spaces
        for( clear = 0; clear < arg_len; clear++ )
                if (arg[ clear ] == '_')
                        arg[ clear ] = ' ';
        if (arg_len > MAX_LENGTH )
                arg_len = MAX_LENGTH;

        // Convert char in ascii to offset in Dict table.
        for( clear = 0; clear < arg_len; clear++ )
                int position = GetDictCharOffset( arg[ clear ] );
                if (!position)
                        position = GetDictCharOffset( ' ' );

                Starting_Array[ clear ] = position;

        // If starting login word is too short, pad it with spaces
        if (arg_len < MAX_LENGTH)
                for( clear = arg_len; clear < MAX_LENGTH; clear++ )
                        Starting_Array[ clear ] = GetDictCharOffset( ' ' );

// ==========================================================================
void HexDumpDecrypt( keytype *decrypt )
        for( int i = 0; i < KEY_LENGTH; i++ )
                if (!(i & 0xF))
                        cout << endl;

                << (char)HEX_STRING[ (decrypt[ i ] >> 4) & 0xF ] 
                << (char)HEX_STRING[ (decrypt[ i ] >> 0) & 0xF ]
                << " ";

// ==========================================================================
void Initialize( void )
        int clear = KEY_LENGTH;

        // Clear the tables
        while ( --clear >= 0 )
                Decrypt_1[ clear ] = 0;
                Decrypt_2[ clear ] = 0;

                Login   [ clear ] = 0;
                Password[ clear ] = 0;

        // Default to:
        // login:    aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
        // password: aaaa
        for( clear = 0; clear < LEN_LOGIN; clear++ )
                Starting_Login[ clear ] = GetDictCharOffset( 'a' );
        for( clear = 0; clear < LEN_PASSWORD; clear++ )
                Starting_Password[ clear ] = GetDictCharOffset( 'a' );

// ==========================================================================
void Print_Login( void )
        int clear;

        for (clear = 0; clear < LEN_LOGIN; clear++ )
                cout << (char)Login[ clear ];

// ==========================================================================
void Print_Password( void )
        int clear;
        for (clear = 0; clear < LEN_PASSWORD; clear++ )
                cout << (char)Password[ clear ];

// ==========================================================================
void Test_Decryption( void )
        cout << "Testing/Benchmarking" << endl;

        int i;
        int ok = TRUE;

        // Default to:
        // login:    aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
        // password: aaaa
        for( i = 0; i < LEN_LOGIN; i++ )
                Login[ i ] = Convert[ Starting_Login[ i ] ];
        for( i = 0; i < LEN_PASSWORD; i++ )
                Password[ i ] = Convert[ Starting_Password[ i ] ];

        // And benchmark the puppy...
        clock_t start = clock();
                for( i = 0; i < Num_Iterations; i++ )
                        DecodeURL( Login, Password );
        clock_t end = clock();

        double elapsed = (float)difftime( end, start );
        double secs = elapsed / (float)CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
        cout << "Time elapsed: " << secs << " seconds." << endl;
        cout << "Decrypts / second: " << ((double)Num_Iterations) / secs << endl;
        cout << endl;

        ok = true;

        // Test to make sure optimisizations dont break anything ;-)
        ok = true;
        cout << "Decrypt_1: ";
        HexDumpDecrypt( Decrypt_1 );
        cout << endl;

        for( i = 0; i < KEY_LENGTH; i++ )
                if (Decrypt_1[ i ] != Test_Output_1[ i ])
                        ok = false;
        if ( ok )
                cout << "Decryption passed." << endl;
                cout << "Decryption FAILED!" << endl;

        cout << endl;

        // Test to make sure optimisizations dont break anything ;-)
        ok = true;
        cout << "Decrypt_2: ";
        HexDumpDecrypt( Decrypt_2 );
        cout << endl;

        for( i = 0; i < KEY_LENGTH; i++ )
                if (Decrypt_2[ i ] != Test_Output_2[ i ])
                        ok = false;
        if ( ok )
                cout << "Decryption passed." << endl;
                cout << "Decryption FAILED!" << endl;


// ==========================================================================
void main( int num_args, char *arg[] )
        cout << "Kipling crack program, " __DATE__ ", Verison: " VER << endl;
        int i = 1;
        while ( i < num_args )
                if (!strcmp( arg[ i ], "-bench" )) 
                if (!strcmp( arg[ i ], "-help" )) 
                        cout <<
                                "progname [starting_login [starting_password]] 
[-bench] [-dict dictionary_fileneme]\n"
                                "-bench          Displays decrypts/sec\n"
                                "-dict filename  Uses the specified filename as a 
dictionary of words\n"
                                "Default is to brute force crack with\n"
                                "starting_login    defaulting to 'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa'\n"
                                "starting_password defaulting to 'aaaa'\n"
                                << endl;
                if (!strcmp( arg[ i ], "-dict" )) 
                        if (i < num_args)
                                cout << "Using specified dictionary file: " << arg[ i 
] << endl;
                                Do_DictionaryCrack( arg[ i ] );
                                cout << "No dictionary file given !" << endl;

        // Do we have a starting point specified on the command-line?
        if (num_args > 1)
                cout << "Using specified starting login: " << arg[ 1 ] << endl;
                GetStartingPosition( arg[ 1 ], Starting_Login, LEN_LOGIN );

                if (num_args > 2)
                        cout << "Using specified starting password: " << arg[ 2 ] << 
                        GetStartingPosition( arg[ 2 ], Starting_Password, LEN_PASSWORD 




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End of Cryptography-Digest Digest

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