[I have sent to Declan, cypherpunks, and cryptography.  Please 
forward appropriately. -Shabbir]

ICIJ, a working network of the world's leading investigative 
reporters, is seeking volunteers to help ICIJ members in Latin 
America install PGP.  Note that PGP training is provided by ICIJ 
staff, and not at issue.  However we need assistance in getting PGP 
installed on several members' computers in Latin America.

If you have the technical background to help a novice computer user 
install PGP, and are in or near Lima, Peru, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 
or Mexico City, Mexico, please contact Maud Beelman at 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Reasonable expenses can be accomodated.

ICIJ members are probably behind many of the big investigative 
stories you know and love, including the research and exposure of 
ECHELON by ICIJ member Duncan Campbell.  Give something back to the 
world by lending them a hand!  To learn more about ICIJ (the 
Investigative Consortium for Investigative Journalists), please go to 


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