At 10:23 AM 2/18/00 +0000, Ben Laurie wrote:
> A problem with continued development of Lucre is that various
> solutions to the coin marking problem have been proposed, and
> various opinions as to the likely patent-infringment-ness have been
> given, leaving me no clearer as to what the best way to proceed is.

What is wrong with the original solution proposed in my original
article, <http://www.jim.com/jamesd/kong/anon_transfer.htm>

The client uses an existing used coin for blinding the newly created
coin, preferably a coin that he got from someone else, not a coin
issued to him by the issuer.  If the coin issuer marks coins by using
a different key for some coins and not others, the blinding will
generate unrecognizable garbage and the system will fail. 

         James A. Donald

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