Senate leaders have yet to determine this week's schedule, but
Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott, R-Miss., today said he would like to
move tomorrow or Wednesday to a bill (S 1712) to reauthorize the Export
Administration Act. The measure would rewrite the Cold War-era law
regulating exports with dual commercial and military uses. Lott said he may
have to file cloture to proceed because several senators object to the
bill, contending that it could weaken national security. Bill sponsor Phil
Gramm, R-Texas, and several committee chairmen met Friday to try to reach a
compromise, but aides said they still have some work left. "We should move
forward on this even if there are concerns about it," said Minority Whip
Harry Reid, D-Nev. A cloture vote on either the bill or the motion to
proceed could occur Wednesday if cloture is filed today.

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