At 28-01-01 00:52, John Gilmore wrote:
>[I haven't seen the original documents, so consider this only a rumor
>  at this point.  Anyone have more info?  -- John]
>Translation of report by Dutch newspaper NRC Handelsblad on 20 January
>Source: NRC Handelsblad, Rotterdam, in Dutch 20 Jan 01 p 2

Yes, the hype is on here in Holland.

There are a few official links :

Interesting link collection that make it 'most likely' Echelon systems exist.
(some dutch, but mostly english)

There was a hearing and invited where people like Duncan Campbell, Jean Marc Dinant, 
Jelle van Buren and Maurice Wesseling.

The outcome was shokking for the parlement.
To quote some members : "This is shokking" , "We did not know it was this bad", "We 
are so helpless against all this" etc etc.



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